Join Keiron this September 2-4, 2022

Level II Reiki “Deepening Your Connection”


About Keiron Keene

Reiki is not just a modality for healing. It is also a journey of spiritual growth. This July, we are inviting you for a wonderful opportunity to connect, reflect, and nurture yourself through attunement with Tanran Reiki!

Keiron Keene is your coach and facilitator when it comes to workshops, online and in-person through Consciousness, Reiki, and Tantra. It is your choice whether to Receive, Learn, or Immerse.

Keiron Keene’s mission is to spread the message of unconditional love, promoting a life that balances the body, mind, and spirit. Through his coaching services and classes, he is here to help you break the chains in order to create a body of people working together,to change the world, and to create a more nurturing global society.


Keiron has been working with Reiki since 1997 and teaching since 2008

 Find the Workshop that’s right for you…

 Know you want MORE in life, but don’t know where to start?             Call us at +61 427298 or click the button to schedule a call with Keiron’s     assistants who can give you a walkthrough of what to expect.



Keiron is a very caring and intuitive teacher. Reiki for me is a sacred practice and Keiron treats it with reverence and deep respect. His workshops have a lovely flow to them, with variety and movement incorporated into his teaching.

-Lexie Hicks

Tanran Level 1 Reiki was a very nurturing and enjoyable experience! It was personable, educational and phenomenal when it came to initiating our attunments in the workshop and it was wonderful that we got to discuss our experiences after each round of healing lessons! And incredibly affordable! For anyone out there yearning to recieve a Level 1 Reiki certificate don’t even hesitate about whether you want to go, because you’ll never regret it if you say YES and go for it!

Just completed level I of Tanran Reiki. Due to uncertainty in myself it has taken many years to get here; but today, I felt as though I was in the exact place I was meant to be! Support, knowledge and clarity – I could have asked for nothing more.

-Mary xx

Previous Students when it comes to the Tanran Reiki Level I Activate Your Connection Workshop

The Reiki Retreat 2023 Bali the Island of  Gods

The land where for Balinese their ceremonies are a part of daily life, they are what connects them to their ‘higher power’. Where each house and business has its own temple or shrine, where magic is in the air.

During a previous Reiki Retreat in Bali we were receiving a blessing at the local temple, and when the ceremony ended, calls of the gecko’s could be heard – to which our guide said, “the Gods are with you”

The Retreat will be held on the beautiful North Coast of Bali where we are never far from nature.

The Retreat will have a full (easy going) program to help you regain your balance and connection at all levels. There will also be the opportunity to visit local temples (of which there are many!) and the Buddhist Temple Brahma Vihara Arama at Banjar. There will also be times for you to just chill, reflect, and relax (into you).


Please remember –

Places are limited !

Registration for Bali Reiki Retreat 2023


A$2500 p/p Early bird for couple in queen/king bed room

A$2950 Early bird twin share

If the Bali Reiki Retreat 2023 resonates with you, please use the form below to find out more and reserve your place or keep in the loop.

Not Reiki qualified already? Why not start now. When you Register for the Retreat I will gift (free) you a Level 1 training via zoom before the retreat! Just let me know.

Meet Your Host

Keiron K

An ex mechanical engineer, who has for years been on an interesting journey, peeling back the layers of me. My passions, which are all intimately linked, are Love, Peace, Compassion, Oneness and raising consciousness or vibration and helping other people to find their purpose, for the good of all and for the good of this beautiful planet (There is no one more alive than one who is living their purpose).

My purpose is to share these passions with the world, to teach them, to bring them to the forefront of human awareness. To create a movement of people working together to change the world to create a more nurturing global society. A society that places REAL VALUE on life, on People, the Oceans, the Forests, and the Planet as a whole. A value beyond the $$$ value of the resources that can be harvested from them; Beyond the instant but momentary gratification that the ‘things’ we fill our lives with brings us.

I’m here to spread Unconditional Love, the type of Love that asks nothing in return, makes no demands and no judgements on people. Running retreats, courses and events focusing on Connection, Conscious Evolution, Tantra, Relationships and of course Reiki are an enormous part of that.

I am so Grateful to Reiki and Tanran Reiki in particular as this led me to finding my purpose as it does for many others! I love guiding people into greater awareness, and connection with themselves and nature because it is a way of giving back to something that has given me so much.

I love seeing the changes in people– even after a one day course! The journey we are all on is about stepping into our powerful heart centered Self, and that journey keeps unfolding as we keep growing, for me now it is about using my experiences to help others find their purpose and maybe avoid the mistakes I have made.

So here I am, a guy from a family that never talked about or even spoke the word Love. An ex logically trained mechanical engineer, now talking about the healing power of Love, talking about feelings, emotions, living from an open heart and changing the world, by helping others change themselves. And I am Loving it!!

Blessings Keiron K

Conscious evolution and empowerment coach, Reiki Master Teacher, PSYCH-K and Tantra facilitator, KHT practitioner, Member IICT, & AITT

Finding Balance & Peace

For 7 nights you will be gently guided by Reiki and your higher self into greater presence with You and your life, to find that source of peace and balance within. which is your Authentic Self, full of Love, full of Joy, which is more easily able to relax and the whispers of your heart and Soul.

Please use the form below to find out more or register.

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